From Fabric to Wood
Melissa graduated from AIPH with a degree in Fashion Design. As a seamstress in Philly, for almost a decade, Melissa explored the world of Fashion and her place within it.
“I’ve always wanted to be an artist. I find solace in being creative.”

Attending art school was a childhood dream for Melussa. Growing up, her famiuly encouraged creativty and artistic expression. Sewing was the first skill Melissa learned. High school offered an eclectic mix of art clkasses and Melissa tried everything available. By Graduation her heart was set on Fashion Design.
“It was the most fascinating form of art to me as the human body is the canvas which we drape textiles upon” -Melissa
The Idea of wearing art feels empowering and individualistic. IN 2003, Melissa graduated with a degree in fashion design. As a seamstress in Philly for almost a decade, Melissa explored the world of Fashion and her place with-in it.

In 2011, Motherhood brought on a new external focus. taking a step back from the fast paced fashion world brought new perspective to her mind. Watching Nick turn wood was instantly captivating and Fascinating to her.
There was something wholesome and humbling about woodturning. Giving a second life to a once living thing felt like a renewed form of empowerment and individual expression. after turning her first project, she was hookedQ